Children at St Peter's

Family Mass is usually held on the second Sunday of the month during at the 10am Parish Mass.
The liturgy and music is more relaxed and the sermon is aimed to engage with the little ones, and hopefully adults alike!
The service is usually a little shorter to avoid the kids getting restless.
Please join us or contact us for further information.
View our safeguarding policy.
Children's Church takes place during our Sunday Parish Mass (excluding Family Mass), term-time.
Children will leave as a group during the first part of the service for teaching, activities and fun!
They often make a presentation of their activities to the congregation at the end of Mass
Please join us or contact us for further information.
View our safeguarding policy.

Little Fishes
Little Fishes is our Baby & Toddler playgroup.
Led by Sarah they meet in Church on Fridays term-time, from 9am-11.30am.
You can email the Parish Office on stpetersactongreen@gmail.com for further information if you are interested.