Confirmation 2023
We have been preparing candidates for our first Confirmation Service which has taken place at 10am on Sunday February 5th 2023. Eight children and two young adults have been confirmed for the first time ever at St Peter’s.
The Celebrant & Preacher was Bishop John Went. The Confirmation service at St Peter’s was a memorable one by all means with beautiful music and a lovely atmosphere of prayer.
Children’s classes are held during Sunday Masses. All those interested in being Confirmed in future should contact Fr. Brandon Fletcher-James via the Parish Office. He will be happy to discuss any initial questions or concerns.
What is Confirmation?
We become Christians and members of the Church at our Baptism. Confirmation is a continuation and unfolding of its meaning, as we reaffirm our Baptismal promises and say ‘yes’ to God. Confirmed Christians are then able to share in Holy Communion.
Candidates are prepared for Confirmation through instruction on courses specifically tailored either for youngsters (usually aged between 10 and 15 years) or adults.
From this year onward St Peters’s will have an annual Confirmation service which will usually take place in late January or February and preparation classes run weekly from October until just prior to the Confirmation date with a break over the Christmas holiday. Adult classes are usually arranged for a weekday evening and youngsters’ classes take place during Sunday morning Mass.
Photographs above and below by Kelvin Murray. You can watch our Confirmation Service Live-Stream by clicking here.