How you can donate and
help St Peter's Church
St Peter's is a welcoming, vibrant church.
To do everything we do, we rely entirely on the money we generate ourselves.
We get no assistance from the wider Church.
Planned Giving & Regular Donations
Planned Giving is one of the principal ways of belonging to this parish, and it is the most effective way to give to your church. You simply commit to give a regular amount each week or month direct from your bank account.
It can be easily set up, amended and cancelled. The benefits to you are that you show your determined membership of St Peter's, you do so even when you are not at a service, and you do not have to suddenly find loose change when the collection bag comes round. The benefits for the parish are that we know the money is pledged and we can budget ahead accordingly. Plus it means you don't have to worry about making sure you have cash on a Sunday morning when you arrive at Church.
You can also set up a Regular Donation online which is safe and secure. You can also opt in to GiftAid if eligable, to maximise your donation. Use the form on this page to set up a regular donation.
Standing Order. If you can initiate/amend your standing order with your bank yourself, it will start immediately and be of the greatest benefit to your church. Contact the Parish Office for further details.
We need about £2,000 a week to run St Peter's. Every year, existing members are asked to review and, if able, increase their giving.
One Off Donations
Donate Here. We are grateful for all donations received.
During the offertory on Sundays please give generously, and use a GiftAid envelope
if you are eligible. At other times Cash/Cheque donations are always welcome.
Please give to the office or one of the Clergy. Cheques payable to St Peters Acton Green.
Using our Contactless Donation Point in St Peter's is the perfect way to make a
quick donation using your contactless credit or debit card, or your mobile device.
What should I give?
Although the church is reluctant to lay down hard and fast rules about giving, all of us can do with some advice in this area. Otherwise some people feel guilty that they don't give enough while others simply reach for loose change whenever they hear the word 'collection'.
So how much should we give? The Bible suggests that we should set aside a tenth of our earnings for the church and charities: other major world religions have similar guidance. Giving can transform the world - our lives as well as the lives of others, our community and beyond.
The Church of England suggests that church members give at least five per cent of net income to their local church and five per cent to other charities they wish to support.
Giving by standing order
Regular payments can be made monthly, quarterly or yearly. Many people these days like to set up or amend standing orders themselves or, if you would prefer, we can ask your bank to set it up on your behalf. If you would like details on how to set either of these up, please contact the Parish Office.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can supplement any donation of yours by 25p for every £1 donated (or more if you pay a higher tax rate) by reclaiming the tax you have already paid on it from the government under the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid reclamations are a very important part of our income, but in order to claim under the scheme we need you to make a once-off authorisation. Fill in the Gift Aid Declaration form, available from the Parish Office.